From January until July, I am serving a Knight International Journalism Fellowship in Ukraine. I am working with the Journalists' Initiative Association, based in Kharkiv in eastern Ukraine. We are helping promote a strong, independent media system, which we believe is crucial to democracy.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Audio slideshow of fireworks

I have been experimenting with different ways for news organizations to present photos. Here's a presentation that includes audio. I did it with a program called SoundSlides -- and it took just 10 minutes. (It took more time to upload than it did to create the slideshow ;)

After the Kharkiv fireworks, of course, everyone broke into singing "The Star-Spangled Banner." Oops, wrong country. OK, so they didn't sing. But I took the fireworks photos, grabbed excerpts of a couple of songs (the first one by Prince, the second by Korol' i Shut, or the King and the Joker, a Russian punk-rock band) and created a 2-minute slideshow.

I can't upload my SoundSlides project to my blog, but if you click here, you can see it. (Be sure to click on the arrow above the word 'Small' to start the show.)


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